What is Vedic Mathematics
- Vedic Mathematics is a collection of Techniques/Sutras to solve mathematical arithmetic in easy and faster way. It consists of 16 Sutras (Formulae) and 13 sub-sutras (Sub Formulae) which can be used for problems involved in arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, conics.
- Vedic Mathematics is a system of mathematics which was discovered by Indian mathematician Jagadguru Shri Bharathi Krishna Tirthajiin the period between A.D. 1911 and 1918 and published his findings in a Vedic Mathematics Book by Tirthaji Maharaj
- Veda is a Sanskrit word which means ‘Knowledge’.
- Using regular mathematical steps, solving problems sometimes are complex and time consuming. But using Vedic Mathematic’s General Techniques (applicable to all sets of given data) and Specific Techniques (applicable to specific sets of given data), numerical calculations can be done very fast.
Mathematics enthusiastic always have the questions What is Vedic Mathematics and What are the . Techniques/Sutras in Vedic Mathematics. But when they try to go through the Vedic Mathematics books they get confused for some of the techniques, concepts and to understand this they search on internet. I found that not much information of Vedic Mathematics Sutras/Techniques is present over the internet.
By referring original book of Vedic Mathematics by Tirthaji Maharaj, I have tried to mention the Vedic Mathematics Sutras in a simpler and with step by step approach. I have solved lot of examples to make Vedic Mathematics Tricks understandable.
History Of Vedic Mathematics
Shri Bharathi Krishna Tirthaji Maharaj was born in March 1884 in the Puri village of Orissa state. He was very good in subjects like mathematics, science, humanities and was excellent in Sanskrit language. His interests were also in spiritualism and mediation. In fact when he was practicing meditation in the forest near Sringeri, he rediscovered the Vedic sutras. He claims that these sutras/techniques he learnt from the Vedas especially ‘Rig-Veda’ directly or indirectly and he intuitively rediscovered them when he was practicing meditation for 8 years.
Later he wrote the sutras on the manuscripts but were lost. Finally in year 1957, he wrote introductory volume of 16 sutras which is called as Vedic Mathematics and planned to write other sutras later. But soon he developed cataract in both of his eyes and passed away in year 1960.
How Vedic Mathematics is Beneficial and What are the Advantages of Vedic Mathematics
Vedic Mathematics can definitely solve mathematical numerical calculations in faster way. Some Vedic Math Scholars mentioned that Using Vedic Maths tricks you can do calculations 10-15 times faster than our usual methods. I agree this to some extent because some methods in Vedic Mathematics are really very fast. But some of this methods are dependent on the specific numbers which are to be calculated. They are called specific methods.